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Monday, July 20, 2009

Born under a bad sign

I just can't win. The deck is stacked. I started to try to date but I just don't thiink anybody in my situation should be worried about that. I can't talk about that.

I'm a gemini if you were wondering. When I'm good I'm really good. When I'm bad I'm really bad. I don't believe in astrology... but it does seam to fit in my case.

I was listening to the Blues. Albert King. I think that about says it all.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I pulled a muscle in my back so I haven't felt like posting in a while. I try to refrain from foul language here using my online persona but I got to to say it.

"It hurt like sh*t!"

I do realize that it wouldn't be hard to figue out who I am. I just like using my chess handle.In other news a new video by this guy in Texas was talking about the benefits of medical marijuana. I have to say he made valid points. I definitely needed something. Spasms and pulled muscles don't mix. I think the positives outweigh the negatives sometimes.

I want what ever time I have left on this planet to be as comfortable as possible. Marijuana would be better for my liver than most of the other stuff I'm on.

During the time I was in pain I made a call to my daughters mother. I made a offer to hire her as my nurse. I said something crazy that I will have to apologize for. I said something about being comfortable around her and maybe I might want to squeeze part of her female anatomy or something.

At least I asked if she was single. I was in pain.

My Journal

This is my diary below. I hope it will give some insight to living with Multiple Scerosis